The Escalation Series Volume 1

Informational Letter Package for Charge-Offs

This is a breakdown of what this package will offer to anyone who may like to make a purchase of a series called, “ The Escalation Series” for Charge-Offs. I hope this helps explaining “why” I decided to do this “series”.

It is 22 pages packed with information on how to deal with a Charge-Off. From a dispute, negotiating, settling for closed account noted,(not a settlement noted), a pauper delete, and a 1099c, (debt cancellation), and knowing the Statute of Limitation for this informational package is very valuable.

I have seen many times when entrepreneurs put together a letter package and that is all they do, sell you letters. I believe that the explanation process of why, if, and should you send a letter WITHOUT knowing and understanding the process Is critical on evaluating each account Reporting as a Charge-Off.

We all know we have to pay for knowledge but at an affordable price and I believe I have done that here. At the same time, given the time to input very transparent and simplified Information to help and assist you by “explaining” the process along the way.


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